• Andrea writes here

    Is this thing on?

    Blowing the dust off here, so in case you see this somewhere, HI! Yes, we will try and start writing again, for various reasons. Right now the immediate issue is Ron. He’s had lifelong gastric issues but they have really escalated over the past couple of years. This has resulted in his health getting bad……

  • Andrea writes here

    new post

    if i add a new post does it show on the front page?

  • Andrea writes here

    Make your Water and Well jokes here

    Make your Water and Well jokes here

    So, when we bought this house, we assumed a couple things, like: – the well was old, but water likely good – the septic tank would need replacing I should also mention that since the previous owners had started renovations, plumbing had been completely gutted. There was a couple pipes leaving the kitchen and some……

  • Andrea writes here

    And then the electricians showed up

    And then the electricians showed up

    One of the biggest things to finish was electrical work, and I’ll skip the saga of getting someone to sow up to do the work, but finally they did and boy howdy a lot of work was done in a short time. Wires were re-run, cabling was sorted, all the room heaters that were scattered……

  • Andrea writes here

    Summer yard update

    Well, we fell behind with updates because we were so busy doing them, there wasn’t time to write. Or we were tired. This stuff is exhausting! It turns out summer in the country is very green and hot. Luckily, up on the ridge there is a constant breeze. So, we moved some of the bulbs……

  • Andrea writes here

    Landscaping prep

    Now that the snow is mostly gone and the days aren’t too chilly, we could look around the yard again to see what was growing. The first time we saw the yard was in the dying overgrowth of fall. Now, we could stomp around the yard and try and take the lay of the land……

Ron writes here
  • Knotweed round one

    Knotweed round one

    In Mexican Bamboo, I wrote about my preparations for eliminating the swale of Japanese knotweed in our front yard. Now that it’s early June, it’s had 3-4 weeks to grow. Left alone, most of what is currently there would not grow much more. For the rest of the growing season, it would invest its growing……

  • Cabinet Update

    Andrea mentioned the island in the last post & included a picture with placeholder cabinets. A drain pipe had already been installed. Since there wasn’t a spot in the existing cabinet arrangement for a dishwasher, we concluded that’s what the island drain was for. While planning the island design I kept in mind that the……

  • Cleaning up from Arthur

    Cleaning up from Arthur

    Tropical storm Arthur came through New Brunswick and downed so many trees that we were 8 days without power. The longest power outage I had experienced prior to that was under 36 hours. Our new property had 10 trees blown over. I expect that all of them were taken down by Arthur. While the trees……

  • Mexican Bamboo

    Mexican Bamboo

    Both the property in Miramichi and the one in Lakeville had a colony of Mexican Bamboo (or Japanese Knotweed). It’s a fast growing invasive species that is capable of killing off most vegetation that does not grow taller than it does. I succeeded in killing it off on both properties. In both cases, it took……

  • Back to the country

    Back to the country

    Andrea & I have been living in Fredericton for about 2 years. Before that, a trip to visit the children/grandchildren was most of a day. We having been enjoying being closer for visiting more often and the convenience of close shopping. When we moved we planned on staying in Fredericton for a few years saving……

  • eBook Releases for May 2011

    This month we are pleased to have released two new eBooks on WP eBooks: The WordPress Curator – Curate your network content to your network home page, and Custom Registration for WordPress Networks – Create one or more custom registration processes for your WP network.