
Always adept at math and logic games, Ron was introduced to computers in high school through an elective course. A few years later, he had the opportunity to attend college and take a computer programming diploma program where he excelled and graduated at the top of the class.

He started his career managing the operations of a small data centre for a government department. Since then his work-related experience has been extensive and varied while operating a successful IT consulting company for almost a decade. Ron has been able to draw on previous experience in each new project.

Other projects include:

* key role in the launch of a leading national satellite television network
* subcontracting to Digital Equipment as an OpenVMS Systems Specialist
* emissions monitoring systems in industrial facilities
* sales commision contract management & payment system
* custom accounting software
* open source customizations including plugins and themes

Ron recently spent four years as an instructor at a local college, teaching a variety of courses in programming and game design.

In addition, Ron enjoys working with his hands, especially restoring turn of the century homes, gardening & landscaping, wood turning, designing and making stained glass pieces.

(Photo Credit: Lloyd Budd)