WordPress merit badges

Sometimes I come up with silly ideas and then run with it. Today was one of those days. Someone said something, this lead to more, and my brain blurted out that it would be really neat if their were WordPress achievement badges, like you get in Girl Guides & Cub Scouts.

And then I cracked open my sketchbook because I am old school like that and prefer an actual writing implement to draw with. Here’s the ones I came up with, and their descriptions. How many have you earned? πŸ˜‰

WordPress logo – earned by successfully installing WordPress manually, under 5 minutes.

Mu – for installing WordPress MU, or multisite (networks).

X – for editing the Codex usefully.

puzzle piece – for writing a plugin and hosting it in the repo

Screenshot – for creating a theme

Tent – for organizing a WordCamp

BP – anything Buddypress. πŸ˜€ Using it, writing for it…

Paw print – for working in trac, submitting tickets, and patches

Matt – the “I met Matt!” badge. Must include photo for verification.

SQL Diver – for diving into the database

Troll – the anti-matt troll badge. Given in rare cases, limited amounts. (actually, this is the only DE-merit)

Server – the server management badge.

Not shown:
the badge for bringing a friend over from Blogger to WordPress
being a Wordcamp attendee or speaker (airplane!)
being on WordPress TV
the GPL badge. Icon of grape kool-aid. (’nuff said)
a $ badge if you’re a WP freelancer earning a living

What other ones could there be?

Disclaimer: I just came up with the idea as a joke, because it’s funny. Tho the positive ones would be awesome if they really did exist. Alas, while my sewing skills are good, this would involve embroidery. πŸ˜‰

If anyone decides to crack open Illustrator and make ones for blog sidebars, I would LOVE to see them! πŸ˜€

More suggestions:
– tshirt collector. Can you go a week wearing nothing but WordPress shirts?
– easy one for the noobs, 100 posts.
– book author
– dog food πŸ˜‰
– dev chat participant

Categorized as Articles

By andrea

Older, possibly wiser, still forgetful.


  1. Badge proliferation could become a problem (my daughter in Brownies seems to earn enough patches every year to obviate the vest). Some people would have to switch to a 4-column theme to show off all the badges.

    I don’t have the graphic skills (or the time) to create something like this, but I have earned a few of them (another one coming next weekend: Woot! WordCamp MSP is gonna rock!).

    What a cute idea! Also, your sketching skills pretty much rock.

  2. We should totally find a manufacturer that can create these in volume. You totally know there’s a buying market for something as interesting and unique as a real life, physical merit badge. Of course there would need to be an entire site set up as well as the mechanisms to test and certify folks. Anyone could copy & paste images into their sidebar without really earning them (would that constitute another de-merit badge? πŸ˜‰ Anyway, interesting, very interesting…

  3. Love it! I think these are a great idea and would love to collect them all (well nearly all). I hope someone converts these to badges for your WP site.

  4. Tweeted the #WordPress hashtag 100+ times (correct capitalization required)
    Image – W & t hooked together

    Helped someone solve their problem via forums

    Ran/Run a WordPress tutorial website

    Have dreamed of WordPress Code
    Image – Scary W chasing screaming person

  5. I think you should also add one specifically for getting props and perhaps one specifically for having committed a patch that someone else wrote.

    I also think there should be one of a bikeshed for having participated in a discussion on wp-hackers πŸ™‚

  6. They should add these to wordpress.org on your profile. Add one for relying to 100 forum posts…

  7. I’m missing the Tent and the Troll badges.

    I do have a “I am one of the three most important people in WordPress” t-shirt though. πŸ˜€

    You could do one of a guy holding up a column or something for “Support” forum work. πŸ™‚

    And a guy painting a bikeshed. That is, of course, the most important one.

  8. Love the idea! There could be a badge for those who run/host a WordPress podcast (a microphone and headset would work for that one). And one for organizers of a local WordPress meetup group. And…*off to think up more ideas* πŸ˜€

  9. I’d like to see badges for participating in GSoC or Code-In, in addition to one for hackers under 18. Yeah, I’m just going for ones for myself, but can you blame me? :p

  10. A badge with an Easter Egg icon – – for anyone who can name at least *one* WordPress Easter Egg.

    A badge with a spider or fly – – for anyone who has participated in a WordPress bug hunt.

    Badges with state (or country/providence) flags and the WP logo to indicate where in the world you’ve attended WordCamp.

    A badge with a light bulb – – for anyone who has helped at a genius bar.

    I’m on a roll…. πŸ™‚

    1. Let’s not forget about IRC, some type of chat badge for all the IRC monkeys? A badge if you’ve attended a certain amount of Dev meetings?

      Another for spelling WordPress correctly?

      One for being GPL compliant?

      This is is a pretty awesome idea Andrea πŸ™‚

  11. I’d even qualify for a few of those!

    And, ooooh, you know the Sticker Giant! (or he knows you, anyway πŸ˜‰ )

    You should so make these!

  12. As an Eagle Scout and a current Cub Scout Leader, I think these would be great as stickers. I would wear my accomplishments proudly on my laptop.

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