
Thank You WordPress graphic designed by Brian Gardner.

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Why I need your URL

I do a lot of forum support. Actually, it’s the main part of my day. One of my most frequent responses is some variation of, “Can I get your URL so I can go look?”. Most people just paste in their URL and we go on our merry way, solving problems together. Sometimes it doesn’t… Continue reading Why I need your URL

The sauce in your site

I like to cook a lot of foods from scratch, and back when we had 3 or 4 growing and constantly hungry children underfoot, I spent a lot of time at it. At one stretch, we even grew many of the ingredients ourselves. This meant I had acquired a lot of kitchen gadgets, many tools… Continue reading The sauce in your site

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multisite book

Finally! The WordPress All-In-One reference for Dummies has hit the shelves. 🙂 There’s six whole chapters on how to create a network and use multisite features. I pretty much cover all the basics. Oh right. There’s 5 more big sections too, also incredibly useful. 😉

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