Montreal Wrap Up

Did you hear we had the bestest time in Montreal? We had bagels, we walked *everywhere*, we met loads of awesome people and I got to practice my horrible French.  Oh, I did a presentation too. For some reason, I was the only person in that time slot. I spoke on what is probably now my go-to session, Domain Mapping in 3.0. In the awesome words of Matt himself on public speaking, “Know your material cold,” and this one I do.

Which was good, as for some reason the Montreal version of my talk was not on my netbook, just the one I had used in Chicago. Also, this was probably the most fun I have ever had on stage. Someone tweeted that it seemed like a stand-up routine, but they meant that in a good way. 😉 So did I. My daughter also heckled me from the audience. (That’s okay, I made her wave to everyone.)

I know someone was videotaping it and I hope it makes it online, as it rocked. If and when I get a link, I’ll include it here. Montreal: A++, would WordCamp again.

(image courtesy of elidir on flickr)

Categorized as News

By andrea

Older, possibly wiser, still forgetful.


  1. So sad to have missed your presentation, heard great reviews. Also hoping the video makes it online 🙂 Was a pleasure to meet you and the family.

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