Did you hear we had the bestest time in Montreal? We had bagels, we walked *everywhere*, we met loads of awesome people and I got to practice my horrible French. Oh, I did a presentation too. For some reason, I was the only person in that time slot. I spoke on what is probably now my go-to session, Domain Mapping in 3.0. In the awesome words of Matt himself on public speaking, “Know your material cold,” and this one I do.
Which was good, as for some reason the Montreal version of my talk was not on my netbook, just the one I had used in Chicago. Also, this was probably the most fun I have ever had on stage. Someone tweeted that it seemed like a stand-up routine, but they meant that in a good way. 😉 So did I. My daughter also heckled me from the audience. (That’s okay, I made her wave to everyone.)
I know someone was videotaping it and I hope it makes it online, as it rocked. If and when I get a link, I’ll include it here. Montreal: A++, would WordCamp again.
(image courtesy of elidir on flickr)
I really want to see the video of this preso. Glad ya’ll had such a good time! 😀
So sad to have missed your presentation, heard great reviews. Also hoping the video makes it online 🙂 Was a pleasure to meet you and the family.