When we first walked through the house, I was glad to see they had already ordered the cabinets, assembled them, and had them roughly in place. This gave us a good idea for where things were supposed to go, as far as appliances, etc. There was no sink, but on our second visit I found… Continue reading The thing with the kitchen cabinets
Author: andrea
Older, possibly wiser, still forgetful.
Finding the edges of the driveway
So one of the things about our new house is that the yard is terribly overgrown. Since winter is pretty much here and there’s building supplies all over the small from garden, there’s not much to do. Walking in the shed door one day, I noticed the ground felt a little firmer. Turns out there… Continue reading Finding the edges of the driveway
Blog refocus
As you may have guessed by the last post the Ron And Andrea blog is undergoing a change. Instead of WordPress or business related thoughts, our posts will now focus on remodelling and finishing our new house. Not a huge change right now, mostly the theme and some cleanup. Older posts will remain but eventually… Continue reading Blog refocus
The WordPress Bow Tie
Those of you at WordCamp New York, or watching on Twitter, saw Aaron Jorbin’s new bow tie. I wanted to make him a gift for his contributions to the WordPress ecosystem, and also because he’s a nice guy. I’d been mulling over ideas about WordPress-branded clothing of some sort as well. When I handed him… Continue reading The WordPress Bow Tie
You can be an Apple user and not be in the Cult of Apple
Ron and I have been geeks for a long time, and I remember way back when we first were together, my aunt and uncle showing me their Apple computer. Weird. Boxy thing. Rainbow logo. You could point and click and pictures and stuff and not type things in. Huh. That was cool. Fast forward through… Continue reading You can be an Apple user and not be in the Cult of Apple
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