Well, we fell behind with updates because we were so busy doing them, there wasn’t time to write. Or we were tired. This stuff is exhausting! It turns out summer in the country is very green and hot. Luckily, up on the ridge there is a constant breeze. So, we moved some of the bulbs… Continue reading Summer yard update
Category: yard work
Landscaping prep
Now that the snow is mostly gone and the days aren’t too chilly, we could look around the yard again to see what was growing. The first time we saw the yard was in the dying overgrowth of fall. Now, we could stomp around the yard and try and take the lay of the land… Continue reading Landscaping prep
Finding the edges of the driveway
So one of the things about our new house is that the yard is terribly overgrown. Since winter is pretty much here and there’s building supplies all over the small from garden, there’s not much to do. Walking in the shed door one day, I noticed the ground felt a little firmer. Turns out there… Continue reading Finding the edges of the driveway