Now working for CopyBlogger

In case you missed the news breaking on twitter, Ron and I are now officially both working full time for CopyBlogger Media, LLC. Ron, of course, will be programming away – working on cool features for various projects, and I will continue to help explain how to use those things. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Basically, the same thing… Continue reading Now working for CopyBlogger

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Why I need your URL

I do a lot of forum support. Actually, it’s the main part of my day. One of my most frequent responses is some variation of, “Can I get your URL so I can go look?”. Most people just paste in their URL and we go on our merry way, solving problems together. Sometimes it doesn’t… Continue reading Why I need your URL

Going to Toronto

Or, as the locals say , “Taranna”. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ron and I have been to Toronto multiple times, so no sightseeing for us. This is good, because there are many friends to catch up with at WordCamp, as well as family in the area. Did you know Ron was actually born in Guelph Ontario? Well now… Continue reading Going to Toronto

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The sauce in your site

I like to cook a lot of foods from scratch, and back when we had 3 or 4 growing and constantly hungry children underfoot, I spent a lot of time at it. At one stretch, we even grew many of the ingredients ourselves. This meant I had acquired a lot of kitchen gadgets, many tools… Continue reading The sauce in your site

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Work hard, play hard

Funny how both Ron and I have worked at home before, but it’s taken this long to figure out how to work together, and work efficiently. Since I have been at home for pretty much most, if not all, of our marriage, transitioning to working at home wasn’t a huge step. I mean, I was… Continue reading Work hard, play hard

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multisite book

Finally! The WordPress All-In-One reference for Dummies has hit the shelves. ๐Ÿ™‚ There’s six whole chapters on how to create a network and use multisite features. I pretty much cover all the basics. Oh right. There’s 5 more big sections too, also incredibly useful. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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